
Minggu, 21 Februari 2016

Himpunan Makalah Lengkap Reumatologi Klinik Bandung Pelayanan Reumatologi Berpusat Pada Pasien


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Pusat Informasi Ilmiah Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Daftar Isi
1. Aspiration and Inspiration : From Patients to the Physicians, Dian W. Syarif
2. The Role of T-Reg (FoxP3) in The Autoimune Disease, Nanang Sukma
3. Treat to Target in SLE and Therapeutic Approach, Yoga I Kasjmir
4. Update In The Use Of Viscosuplemen in Osteoarthritis, Bernand Avouac
5. A Brief Hystory of Interleukin-2 and Pathophysiology of Rheumatoid Arhtritis, Sumartini Dewi
6. Data Penggunaan Sikloporin di RSUP dr.Hasan Sadikin Bandung, Laniyati Hamijoyo
7. Complexity of Ankylosing Spondylitis From Immunopathological Perspective, Joewono Soeroso
8. Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis with Glucosamine Sulfate From Clinical Studies to Real Life, Riardi Pramudiyo
9. The Evolving Treatment Concept of Biologic Agent Monotherapy, Natsir Akil
10. Understanding the Differencess With IL-6R Inhibitor, Bantar Suntoko
11. Osteorthritis Pain Management: Focus on Patient Safety, Andri Reza Rahmadi
12. Penatalaksanaan Komprehensif Artritis Gout Akut, Laniyati Hamijoyo

1. Basic: Primary Care Rheumatology 
The Spectrum of Rheumatic Diseases, Gede Kambayana
2. Advances Therapy In Rheumatology
Diagnosis dan terapi Komrehensif Artritis Reumatoid, Laniyati Hamijoyo
3. Rheumatology Diseases Whats Within
Contraception in patients with Rheumatologic Diseases, Linda K. Wijaya
Kehamilan dan Penyakit Reumatik: Apa yang harus dipertimbangkan? Adhi Pribadi
Interstitial Lung Disease In Connective Tissue Diseases, Sumartini Dewi
4. Fracture Prevention and Osteoporosis Treatment 
Facture Risk in Vulnerable Population, Andri Reza Rahmadi
Non-Pharmacology Therapy in Osteoprosis, Sunaryo B


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